3 Best Arts Colleges in Gulbarga

Expert-recommended Top 3 Arts Colleges in Gulbarga, KA. All selected arts colleges undergo rigorous 50-Point Inspection, assessing reviews, reputation, history, price, proximity, and more to ensure excellence. No Pay-to-Play!



Vidya Nagar,
Gulbarga, KA 585103 Directions

Since 1956

Defense Studies Mathematics Electronics Biotechnology Zoology Physics Computer Science English Kannada Chemistry Hindi Botany

Sharnbasveshwar College of Science's vision extends beyond the conventional pursuit of a livelihood, aiming to impart knowledge for the benefit of others and to encourage a cultured and beautiful life. The college is dedicated to providing value-based education, emphasising discipline, sincerity, and hard work, equipping students to confront life's challenges and serve their families and the nation at large. The faculty at Sharnbasveshwar College of Science comprises skilled, qualified, highly experienced, and devoted individuals. They organise faculty webinars covering diverse topics such as bird diversity, defence, electronics, and environmental conservation, thereby promoting the dissemination of knowledge. Student webinars focus on themes such as Green Chemistry, cement, and specific one-day sessions on hormones. The college's library, spanning an area of 7,200 sq ft, accommodates 25 computers with Wi-Fi facilities. Sharnbasveshwar College of Science adheres to the principle of open access, ensuring timely access to the correct information for the appropriate user. The library, equipped with CCTV surveillance, has a seating capacity of 100 users at any one time. Its collection encompasses print and electronic documents, providing a comprehensive resource for students and faculty.

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0847 222 1941

Mon-Sat: 8am - 5pm
Sun: Closed

TBR® Inspection Report:

Gulbarga Arts Colleges Government College (Autonomous) image 1
Gulbarga Arts Colleges Government College (Autonomous) image 2
Gulbarga Arts Colleges Government College (Autonomous) image 3


Gulbarga, KA 585105 Directions

Since 1932

Microbiology Sociology Economics Hindi History Computer Science Political Science Zoology Urdu Optional English Physics Statistics Mathematics Electronics Kannada

Government College (Autonomous) boasts well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, a library, an administrative building, and a sports ground to facilitate comprehensive learning experiences. The institution actively promotes extracurricular activities through their NCC, NSS, Red Cross, Scouts & Guides cells, organising various events throughout the academic calendar. With a commitment to fostering a safe, enjoyable, friendly, and nurturing environment, Government College (Autonomous) aims to set the standard for excellence in comprehensive education. Their vision revolves around nurturing intellect, creativity, and character within an active, student-centric learning community. In the domain of Business Finance and Commerce, Government College (Autonomous) offers a total of three courses. Undergraduate options include BBA and B.Com. The sole postgraduate program available is M.Com. The faculty comprises qualified, highly experienced, enthusiastic, and dedicated tutors, ensuring a high-quality education. The college provides a well-furnished library stocked with books, journals, and newspapers, catering to the needs of all running courses and purposes.

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  • govt.cleglb@gmail.com
084 7224 5064

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Gulbarga Arts Colleges MSI Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce image 1
Gulbarga Arts Colleges MSI Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce image 2
Gulbarga Arts Colleges MSI Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce image 3


Aiwan-E-Shahi Road, Station Bazar,
Gulbarga, KA 585101 Directions

Since 1967

Economics History Sociology Political Science Commerce Kannada English Hindi Zoology Physics Chemistry Botany

MSI Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce was laid by Late Shri Veerendra Patil, Former Chief Minister of Karnataka and Minister for Shipping and Transportation Govt. of India. The College is permanently affiliated to Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, and it is under section 2(f) and 12(b) of UGC. The College has qualified teaching staff with all the infrastructure facilities like laboratories, a library, a centralised computer center, etc. They provide education to students in Arts, Science & Commerce disciplines. Their college has successfully organised many UGC sponsored National Seminars. MSI Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce has a library and well-equipped labs designed to support academic excellence and hands-on learning.

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0847 222 1270

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