“Dr. Vivek Nair completed his MBBS and MD at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. He is a member of the Indian Academy of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology (IADVL), Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India (ACSI), Indian Society of Paediatric Dermatology (ISPD) and an associate member of the International Society of Dermatology (USA). He uses the latest techniques and technology to provide a highly customised and detailed skin and hair care solution. He is also a leading expert in Tele-Dermatology and has thousands of satisfied customers worldwide. Dr. Vivek Nair strikes a unique blend of cosmetic and medical dermatology. He regularly participates in national/international conferences and workshops to keep his skills and knowledge updated. He practices at Dr Nair’s Skin Clinic. The clinic offers a solution for all needs related to your skin and hair. They use all available technology and deliver the best possible results quickly and safely. Their goal is to provide quality medical and aesthetic dermatology to meet patients' expectations. The clinic is a one-stop solution for all your skin and hair-related needs.”
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