“Dr. Manav Setiya obtained his M.D. from Odessa State Medical University in 1999 and completed his D.N.B. in Ophthalmology in 2004. She pursued a fellowship in Vitreo Retina at the Retina Foundation in Ahmedabad. Dr. Setiya's accolades include receiving the Dr. S. Natrajan Award for The Best Paper of the Retina Vitreous Session at AIOS in 2008, Bangalore. He has performed more than 20,000 cataract surgeries including approximately 4,000 phaco and 2,000 topical phaco. He operates and acts as Chief Vitreo Retinal Surgeon at Jeevan Jyoti Netralaya. Jeevan Jyoti Netralaya provides quality treatment and regular checkups for the best results.”
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