“Raja Nahar Singh Palace is a renowned fortress in Ballabgarh. Balram Singh established the Palace, and it has undergone multiple restoration efforts. The palace is named after Raja Nahar Singh, who sacrificed his life in the War of Independence of 1857. Known for its distinctive architecture, the Ballabgarh Fort's Palace boasts six elegantly furnished guest rooms with a royal ambience. It is available for party and wedding bookings and features a restaurant offering reasonably priced meals. The palace, reminiscent of the courts of Deeg and Bharatpur, showcases intricate seminars on its four corners, with only two currently visible. Adjacent to the palace is a popular spot for picnics and angling. The Kartik Cultural Festival, celebrated at Nahar Singh Mahal in November, is a significant fair. The palace provides in-house decorators for banquets, ensuring every element is adorned according to your preferences. Raja Nahar Singh Mahal in Ballabgarh also allows external alcoholic beverages, ensuring a well-stocked bar for your guests' enjoyment.”
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