“Adventure Island Ltd. is a family-friendly theme park spanning 62 acres and featuring a scenic lake. The park includes a retail area and an amusement park with about 26 rides and attractions. Adventure Island Ltd. features rides imported from suppliers of major amusement parks like Disneyworld, Universal, and Six Flags. The park follows globally accepted European safety standards. The picturesque lake offers a stunning backdrop and boating facilities for both Metro Walk and Adventure Island guests. Adventure Island is the ultimate destination for thrill-seekers of all ages. The park organises outings and events that foster tourism and provide an exciting environment for visitors. Adventure Island includes a special zone designed for kids and young children. The park is conveniently located just a 5-minute walk from the Metro Station and a 10-minute drive from the National Highway, making it easily accessible from Sonepat, Panipat, Ambala, Chandigarh, and other northern regions.”
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