“St. Xavier’s College is owned and managed by the Jesuits of the Calcutta province of the Society of Jesus. They have well-equipped Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Computer Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology Labs. Each Board of Studies is tasked with formulating/revising the syllabus and initiating innovative teaching and learning methodologies. They aim to promote a society based on love, freedom, liberty, justice, equality and fraternity. The college classrooms are large and capable of accommodating many students without overcrowding. All their departmental libraries and the book bank were merged into one integrated centralized library on January 16, 2009. Their mission is to bridge the rural-urban divide, taking the benefits of education to the poor and the marginalized and aiming at their empowerment. St. Xavier’s has always been known for its cosmopolitan and national character. The expression “national integration” gained currency, and St. Xavier tried to foster the spirit and practice among its students.”
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