“Satish Pradhan Dnyanasadhana College is registered under the Societies Registration Act. They are permanently affiliated with the University of Mumbai, recognised by UGC 2(f) 12B, and reaccredited B by the NAAC. They require excellent self-motivation on the part of all concerned but will be fulfilling for the student and the faculty. The College is spread over 2.25 acres with a built-up space of about 36620 sq. ft. The College aims to encourage and promote education to socially and economically backward & weaker sections of society. They are expanding their premises to provide better amenities and facilities. They offer all modern facilities such as Library Reading rooms, an Internet Club, an auditorium, a well-equipped Computer laboratory with digital overhead projectors, a gymkhana, a gym, an A.V. room, and a standard student room, to mention a few. They aim to assist students in advancing their education by giving scholarships, prizes, loans, and books for studies.”
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