3 Best Book Stores in Bangalore

Expert-recommended Top 3 Book Stores in Bengaluru (Bangalore), KA. All selected book shops undergo rigorous 50-Point Inspection, assessing reviews, reputation, history, price, proximity, and more to ensure excellence. No Pay-to-Play!



No. 14, 27th Cross Road, 4th Block, Jayanagar,
Bengaluru, KA 560011 Directions

Since 1967

Medicine Books Humanities Books CBSE and ICSE Books ISC Books Karnataka State Board and IGSCE Books CA and CPT Exam Books Central Govt Exam Books Fiction Books Non-Fiction Books Business Books Children Books and Stationery

Sapna Book House is India's fastest-growing book retailer on the web and now has a catalogue spread of over 10 million books to browse from. The team of experienced people from diverse backgrounds works together to fulfil the primary objective of benefiting customers with low prices. Sapna Book House operates e-commerce and e-tailing stores, providing a convenient, easy, and secure shopping experience online. They also provide a vast catalogue selection and products and fast, reliable and very safe payment delivery options to their customers. You can make online orders through their websites. Sapna Book House also offers e-gift cards and Dedicated 24/7 support.

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The most promising e-tailing company (2013)


Rebirth Of Buddha₹380
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell₹580
Poorly Made and Other Things₹7646
Doomed Earth Destiny’s Way₹7646
Great Pottery Throw Down₹1335
Vishwa Shastra India & The World₹580


80490 66700 80401 14411

Mon-Sun: 10:30am - 8:15pm

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2, 3rd Floor, Prestige Commercial Complex, Church Street, Above Matteo Coffea, Shanthala Nagar, Asho,
Bengaluru, KA 560001 Directions

Since 2002

Murder Mystery Books Religious and Music Books Second Hand Books Short Stories Books Japanese Fiction Books Stage Presentation Books Trade and Topology Books Health and Healing Books Westland Books Head of State Books Children's Books Yoga Books Medical Books Multi Language Books Competitive Exam Books Sports Books Travel Writing Books

Blossom Book House is India's biggest bookstore and has been providing customers with a vast selection of new, rare, and used books. The bookstore was established in 2002 by Mayi Gowda, a former engineer who started by selling books on the streets; the store has grown into a three-storey literary paradise for book lovers. Blossom Book House has friendly and knowledgeable staff who help customers find the right books according to their requirements. The bookstore offers an extensive collection of new and second-hand books, covering a wide range of genres. Blossom Book House offers books at affordable prices to satisfy their customers' needs.

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The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories₹399
Norwegian Wood₹479
From the Fatherland with Love₹280
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders₹319
Record of a Night Too Brief₹360


94493 73202

Mon-Fri: 10:30am - 10pm
Sat & Sun: 10am - 10:30pm

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44, Avenue Road, Ballapurpet, Chickpet,
Bengaluru, KA 560002 Directions

Since 1964

Historical Books Adventure Books Graphic Novels Books Fantasy and Children's Books History Books Young Fiction Books CBSE and ICSE Books Competitive Exams Books NCERT Books Poetry and Poets Books Sports and Regional Books Religious and Non-Fiction Books

Avenue Book Centre offers a wide range of educational materials, including school books, CBSE guides, and reference texts for various subjects. The centre is dedicated to providing newly launched categories to identify the customer's mindset. The bookstore has friendly and knowledgeable staff, who help customers find the right books according to your requirements. The store managers are experienced enough to show all the available purchasing options and give suggestions about books. You can even return your purchased books for a reasonable refund. If you are a student or a working professional, Avenue Book Centre is a perfect place to buy the latest books.

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93412 54836 80414 74496

Mon-Sat: 11am - 8:30pm
Sun: Closed

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