“Sanjay Gandhi Biological Park is renowned for its white and natural variant of the Royal Bengal Tiger. The Biological park serves as a conservation area, the park focuses on the captive breeding of various species, exchanges with other zoological gardens, and contributes to the recovery of appropriate wildlife species. Additionally, it functions as a rescue-cum-rehabilitation centre for wild animals in distress. The park not only offers balanced and healthy recreation for tourists, utilising the zoological park setting to ensure the welfare of zoo animals but also promotes nature education and raises awareness about biodiversity protection. To further enhance awareness and attract visitors, a 3D Theater-cum-Zoo Interpretation Center has been constructed, particularly aimed at educating children and zoo visitors about wildlife. With 338 mammals, 355 birds, and 471 reptiles, the Sanjay Gandhi Biological Park is an ideal tourist destination for friends and families. Recognised for its well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing environment, the zoo provides an enjoyable experience for visitors.”
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