“The Indian Modern Martial Arts Academy, under the leadership of M.V. Ramana, a 7th DAN Black Belt (Japan), serves as a prominent martial arts institution in India. Ramana, holding the positions of Indian Chief Instructor and Chief Examiner, has established the academy's reputation among government bodies, corporate entities, schools, colleges, the Indian Navy, the police department, and Vizag Defence Academy. The Academy distinguishes itself through its comprehensive programs catering to youth and teens, integrating martial arts and fitness with a specialised focus on fostering character, emotional intelligence, and social intelligence. The professional trainers employed by the academy ensure a thorough understanding of various techniques, contributing to personal development. Emphasising the holistic development of individuals, the academy aligns with the philosophy of martial arts, which revolves around connecting the human body with the five elements (Pancha Bhutas) and the broader universe. In essence, the practice of martial arts is seen as a transformative journey, shaping individuals into well-rounded personalities.
• Online Classes
• On-Site Services.”
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