“Vijaya International School, a co-educational English medium institution affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) spanning from nursery to class XII, is situated in an idyllic, pollution-free setting in Agra (a 15-minute drive from Sanjay Place). The school's mission is centred on cultivating future leaders equipped with active intellectual curiosity and creative minds, fostering a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and instilling the courage to act on their beliefs. Day boarding facilities are provided for students, and the school embraces the latest technologies and activity-oriented methodologies to ensure comprehensive and comfortable learning experiences. The management of Vijaya International School is committed to creating a moral and ethical environment where students learn the values of respect for everyone. Additionally, the school plays a pivotal role in promoting healthy eating patterns through classroom nutrition education, encouraging students to make healthy food choices in the cafeteria.
• All Sports Activity Available
• Nice Well Maintained Institution With Bus Facilities.”
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