“Delhi Public School is a co-educational day cum boarding school committed to nurturing each child's unique abilities through a meticulously crafted academic program. The institution thrives as a cohesive family, comprising 4386 students and 205 teachers. Bolstered by state-of-the-art infrastructure, the school features a spacious sports complex, yoga hall, recording studio, well-equipped science labs, an in-house infirmary, and a modern auditorium. The curriculum at Delhi Public School is intricately designed to ensure the holistic development of every student. Going beyond a conventional academic approach, the school introduces a technologically designed methodology at all stages, fostering the essential skills needed for academic success. The educational experience at Delhi Public School Agra is characterised by its uniqueness, providing students with a distinctive and enriching learning journey. The school goes beyond academics, addressing the overall well-being of students. Delhi Public School Agra is dedicated to catering to both the academic and physical needs of the children, creating a nurturing environment that facilitates comprehensive growth and development.
• Scientifically Designed Academic Program
• State-of-the-art Infrastructure
• Technologically Designed Methodology
• Unique Schooling Experience.”
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