“Agrasain Balika Siksha Sadan is a modern girls' Higher Secondary School in Howrah, West Bengal. The school was started by members of the Marwari (Agarwal) community who wanted to focus on education, natural growth, and good values for the younger generation to tackle social issues. Agrasain Balika Siksha Sadan is dedicated to the overall development of society. The school works on instilling qualities like order, good behavior, and respect for authority in their students. The goal is to make them honest, responsible, and patriotic citizens of Mahan Bharat. Students in Class 8 and Class XI work on projects related to web designing and development. The school recognises and rewards all participants who show excellence in different activities with prises, trophies, and certificates. Agrasain Balika Siksha Sadan uses audio-visual classes to make learning more engaging for students, helping them understand and remember information faster. The school has two well-equipped libraries with many books, including a computeriseds inventory system and an e-library with available gadgets.
• Three State-of-the-art, Fully Equipped Dance Rooms
• Professional Guidance
• Latest Scientifically Calibrated Instruments in Labs
• Smart Class Rooms.”
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